WARNING - All posts that I will put on this blog will be based on my own relative perspective. All knowlege, wisdom, and opinion put forth will be based on my own beliefs and experiences. Feel free to comment and to offer your own relative viewpoints.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Why does God's Will always get a bad rap? I am not the worlds greatest religious scholar, but I feel a need to come in defense of God as I understand Him. Being involved in church and also recovery groups, I hear people a lot of people talk about the Will of God. Most times what I hear pisses me off. I don’t know how many times I hear people talking about all of the pain and suffering that they go through in their lives (mostly self-inflicted) and they say that God put me through all of this to help me become a better person. They say it was His Will that they go through all of this crap. Or I hear that it was God’s Will that my 5 year old son was killed by a drunk driver, or that it was His Will that two planes flew into the Towers. They try to face all of this tragedy by saying it was His Will. Bullshit!
It is said that God can due anything, that nothing is impossible for Him. I don’t believe that. Sure God can do almost anything - like part the Red Sea, feed thousands with trinkets of food, bring people back from the dead, be the Trinity, live outside time, or turn me into a giant banana right now, but there is One thing that He can’t do. Even God can’t do both of something that is mutually exclusive. That means that if He says it is THIS OR THAT, it can’t be THIS AND THAT. Your probably wondering what I’m getting at.
His word states that every human has been granted free will. He could have imposed His Will on us, but He wants us to come to Him by our own choice (our own will). Because of this Divine Decree, there are things in this world that are IMPOSABLE for Him to do. Almost all of the pain and suffering in the world, including in our own lives, is allowed by God (because we have free will), but is not His Will for us. If it was all His Will this would be a much happier place. But, if He were to prevent most pain, suffering, tragedy in the world, He would have to intervene in a way that would undermine our use of free will. If He prevented people from doing bad things (by mistake or on purpose), or softened their outcome in any great way, we would not be able to come to the conclusion that we need to turn to Him
Don’t get me wrong and think that I’m saying all bad things are all our own fault. Natural disaster happen for reasons only God knows. I’m just trying to make the point that everything bad that happens isn’t Gods Will. The good thing is that God is there even in our pain and suffering. He can take a bad situation (that is our own fault) and turn it into something to help us and give us strength and wisdom. Our bad times are usually the best times because we can turn to toward God and learn to rely on Him. I’m sure that God would prefer that we would come to Him without having to go through all of the pain and suffering we put upon our selves, but He gave us free will. The choice is ours on how we exercise it!

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