WARNING - All posts that I will put on this blog will be based on my own relative perspective. All knowlege, wisdom, and opinion put forth will be based on my own beliefs and experiences. Feel free to comment and to offer your own relative viewpoints.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

DO I KNOW MY SELF? (part 1)

Even in the most simplest terms I consider this to be a hard question, but I wish to take this to a very deep level that will open up a messy can of worms. Over the years, for various reasons, I have been on a mission of self-discovery. Some may dwell into this for scientific or philosophical reasons, others out of pure curiosity. Some may be content with themselves and find no need to want to know any more about who they are. Some may be afraid to venture into self-discovery because of what they might find. I was not given a choice in the matter, for if I did not look inward my life would have remained in continual crisis. Am I unique in this desperation? I think not, but believe that for most this is not a life threatening issue. Let us look into what I have uncovered in my quest to know my self.

First off I think that it is important to understand and agree on the meaning of two words in the question. The following are, what I believe to be, the relevant definitions as found at dictionary.com.

“know“ - verb (used without object)
- to have knowledge or clear and certain perception, as of fact or truth.
- to be cognizant or aware, as of some fact, circumstance, or occurrence; have information, as about something.

“self“ - noun
- a person or thing referred to with respect to complete individuality: one's own self.
- a person's nature, character, etc.: his better self.

“self“ - philosophy
-the ego; that which knows, remembers, desires, suffers, etc., as contrasted with that known, remembered, etc.
-the uniting principle, as a soul, underlying all subjective experience.

When applying these definitions, I have an opinion that lets me answer the question most definitively. Do I know my self? NO!

Why do I answer no? It is my belief that what we have self awareness of is really only the tip of the iceberg in terms of what constitutes the self. The vast majority of “self” (as defined in the definitions) lies almost entirely in the subconscious. In fact it is my belief that the subconscious is more of who I am than the conscious/aware part. The conscious is merely the ambassador, emissary, or policeman between self and the world (reality out side my being). From what I remember from reading Freud, he looked at this in a similar way. The definition of “know” seems to put it under the category of conscious awareness. This is why I answer no to the opening question. I can not consciously know my subconscious (that’s why its called the subconscious!).

Some of the bigger questions that now come to mind, and let me continue on my self-discovery quest, become -
How much can I know?
Is there a clear line between conscious/subconscious?
Is there a way to effect parts of subconscious and change them fundamentally (not just control them)?
Can I know enough to be content and accepting with myself?


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