WARNING - All posts that I will put on this blog will be based on my own relative perspective. All knowlege, wisdom, and opinion put forth will be based on my own beliefs and experiences. Feel free to comment and to offer your own relative viewpoints.

Monday, March 15, 2010


I believe (from brief experiences of it) that true love & joy are not really emotions. I have only experienced them when I can meditate and pray to a point of the true purity of self. Once I reach a moment, where I have pushed aside the thinking/emotive aspects of my consciousness, do I get to tap into this. It is an intense spiritual experience.

It is a shame that I have yet not been able to linger in this place for long periods. It is hard, because I have been trained to live life based on thinking and emotions. What I have come to understand is that both thinking and emotions are “tools” but not the true “all” of what it means to be conscious. These “tools” are nothing to the purity of self, they can only be a corruption of the purity. Complete purity is inherently good - as is God.

I don’t believe that evil exists to balance out good and I certainly don’t believe that evil in any way can be equal, but opposite, to good. Satan is not God’s opposite equal. Yang is not equal to Ying. Evil is a corruption of good, but never to become a canceling equal. Evil is basically something that attempts to fill a power vacuum that is “realized” beyond the glare of all-powerful good. When I enter a state of purity, all that there can only be is love & joy. This love and joy is a state of being, not an emotion.

How can I say that true love and joy is not an emotion, most people feel these as emotions? Yes, people feel the emotions that they equate with love and joy - but they are not TRUE love and joy. They are only corruptions from the true purity. Being unaware of the purity, one can only see these corrupted manifestations. Joy is equated with short-lived pleasure. Pleasure is ALWAYS derived from something outside you. This input from the outside is also always dualistic. The very thing that gives you pleasure today will give you pain tomorrow, or it will leave you - so its absence will give you the effect of pain. What is often referred to as love may be pleasurable and exciting for a while, but it is an addictive, clinging, and extremely needy condition. This type of love is based also on what is outside of you. It will also cycle (once the honeymoon is over) into a love-hate pattern.

True joy can only arise from within. Unlike pleasure, it has no opposite. This also holds true for true love. True love can’t cause pain, it won’t make you suffer. Only a self-imposed corruption from the purity of self can pain and suffering be experienced.

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